Digital signature solution for global use

Discover the world of opportunities with LankaSign, a token-based digital signature solution accepted worldwide.

Engage in business, finalize contracts, or collaborate across borders with confidence. Rely on our globally recognized digital certificates to verify your identity and provide top-level security.

LankaSign is expanding and crossing its borders. LankaSign has gained the Web Trust certification and operating under the National Certificate authority (NCA) which operates as the root certificate authority.

Wait for internationally trusted digital signing services soon.

We are working with browsers and adobe to trust us via the National CA


Name Valid From Valid To Thumb Print Certificate
NCA SubCA Sri Lanka 2023-09-01 2023-09-01 28f982755959a7027e381b096e925058ac46ea30 Download  


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Certification Practice Statement

Our accreditations and credentials

Our certifications validate our commitment to security, efficiency, and excellence in the realm of financial transactions and transparency in operations and financial reporting.

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